The Journey Of Love
I see this at funerals all the time.
Love becomes the only thing that matters, and for a moment, everyone connected to the loss holds love within their hearts. In that space of time, everyone connects and appreciates that love really is all that matters in this life.
Then only days, or weeks later, everyone is back in the egoic state, buying into the illusion of and distractions of life, once again holding contempt in their hearts for others.
What would it take for humanity to hold this post-loss-love as their continuous state?
How many times do we need to lose someone before we learn what life is truly about?
I know I still have a long way to go in this area, yet what I can appreciate is that I’ve anchored into the mission, and continuously challenge myself to expand my capacity to love.
It isn’t always easy…let’s be honest, it usually never is. But the more that I stay in the process of evolving in this way, the more my heart continues to expand.
On the other side of these growth experiences, I find it was always worth the challenge that presented. And then I prepare knowing that the higher level of this love challenge will next be on its way.
If you're interested in learning more about this, consider tuning into the podcast episode on Spotify.
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