Explore The Playground
Channeling this one was like receiving a gentle slap in the face…when my Guides awaken me, they at least do it in love.
Wonders Of Life
No I will not explore my Human Design, and no I don’t care what archetype I’m living in. I have long since grown out of these things.
Aligning To Faith
Growing up in a religious home, I felt a deep disrespect for God to see this any other way.
When I released the projection of a man made God, I wasn’t left with a disconnection from God, but a restoration of self.
The Journey Of Love
I see this at funerals all the time.
Love becomes the only thing that matters, and for a moment, everyone connected to the loss holds love within their hearts. In that space of time, everyone connects and appreciates that love really is all that matters in this life.
A Time To Release
I only wish this version of me could have a conversation with my former self.
I used to be allergic to responsibility…how I got myself into that state is a story for another time.
Strategy Of The Heart
Prove it and then I’ll believe it has been a way of doing life for me.
It felt like wisdom, like I was living with my eyes wide open to what it is I could trust, yet what I can now see is I was living in was a state of fear.
Aligning To Love
I feel as though my life has been an endless journey of discovering what love is not.
In the perception that love was being withheld from me I allowed myself to go into a powerless state, believing that I was somehow being punished and not yet worthy of what love is.
Boundaries In Bliss
I used to be someone who created boundaries with the essence of a sword and shield.
It was a build up of the desire to protect myself, and through presenting with an energy designed to ‘scare off’ others, I believed myself to then be safe.
The trouble was, I was then also alone.
The Divine Mind
Activating the Divine Mind is a way of life, and even though at times it can be challenging, the rewards on the other side are always worth it.
The Avoidance Of Fear
It took me a long time to understand this concept. And a lot of pain before I was willing to integrate it as my everyday way of living.
I grew up, like most humans do, in a culture of certainty. A culture that had so many gaps that rather than being explored, were taught to ignore.
Your Body, Your Messenger
Have you ever considered that your body is a direct reflection of your spirit? It's fascinating how the state of your body mirrors the state of your inner self, and how these inner messages can shape your external reality.
Aligning all Parts of You
To be in full alignment, your physical body is to be seen and managed as an expression of your spirit, your mind is to be directed by your spirit, with your spiritual essence then emerging as the embodiment of your being. But how does your spirit align with itself?
Mindful Manifesting
The mind, a complex space of thoughts and perceptions, plays an important role in how we interpret and navigate our experiences. It is within this mental space that all of life is processed, and where we form beliefs that shape our understanding of the world and our place in it.
Balancing Form and Flow
Life is a constant dance between two unique energies: form and flow. Each has a place within our journey, guiding us on the paths that we choose to take. Understanding how faith and fear interplay with these states is the key to discovering peace.
The Waters of Life
Understanding that life is serving us means recognizing that every experience, challenge, and circumstance we encounter has a purpose in shaping us. When we embrace this understanding, we begin to view each piece of our life as a valuable teacher and supporter, rather than an obstacle or burden.
How To Connect With Your Tribe
As humans, we possess an innate desire to be part of a tribe or community.
This need for connection and belonging is a healthy aspect of our lives.
However, alongside this desire lies a core fear of being rejected by the tribe.
The Battle Within
If you look around you, you’ll see it. Each culture, each religion, and now each conscious community trying to explain the same thing…that we all have a duality at play. It’s the good versus bad, God versus Satan, light versus dark, and no matter what you believe in, it is happening within you.
Navigating Planet Earth
We explore the question of whether we are human beings having a spiritual experience or spiritual beings having a human experience.