Mindful Manifesting

The mind, a complex space of thoughts and perceptions, plays an important role in how we interpret and navigate our experiences. It is within this mental space that all of life is processed, and where we form beliefs that shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. 

The mind takes in information and sorts it into a framework that aligns with our beliefs about the energetic essence of those experiences. In a way, the mind is the architect of our interpretations of life, determining not only what life means but also our identity.

Our definitions of life are formulated within the mind. From these definitions, we then construct and navigate our life’s journey. It's a continuous cycle of processing the energetic input, interpreting it based on our beliefs, and then manifest new experiences that align with those beliefs.

Our body doesn't merely manifest our experiences; rather, it is a manifestation of our spirit. The energy that flows from our spirit shapes our experiences, but these experiences are steered by the beliefs residing within our mind. This relationship between spirit and mind shows us that the quality of our mind influences the quality of our human experience.

Our mind is broken up into two parts. Our conscious and our subconscious mind.  Often, it's the subconscious mind that exerts the most influence over our lives. The subconscious mind often operates beyond our conscious awareness, leading to our life's direction.

To truly guide your life in the direction you want it to go is to clean out from the subconscious what doesn’t serve you, and to then create within your mind, beliefs that do. Beliefs that align with the reality that you desire to create and beliefs that are aligned to the truth of who you really are. 

Both the conscious and subconscious aspects of the mind can be governed either by our spirit or our ego. Typically, our default state leans toward ego-driven control. The ego is the part of ourselves that is fear based, that see’s limitation and prevents you from being all of yourself. Your ego is the part of you that’s in denial of who you really are, of how powerful you truly are, therefore trapping you from accessing what you are energetically capable of. 

The path to true freedom involves shifting from ego-driven thinking to spirit-guided understanding. 

To understand more about how you can do this, listen to this episode, Mindful Manifesting.


Aligning all Parts of You


Balancing Form and Flow